Instant Rabadi

I love all kinds of sweets. I do have a sweet tooth and so does my 3 year old son. So I’m always in a hunt of new and easy recipes of desert. The other day I happened to read an instant rabadi recipe posted by Poonam’s kitchen and instantly fell in love with the recipe.

My mother used to make rabadi on the cooking gas with 5 liters of whole milk and she used to reduce it to around 2 liters in the end. Yummy!!!! Can’t forget that taste. 

So when I tried this instant rabadi recipe for the 1st time, it just reminded me of my mom’s rabadi but instead of spending 2-3 hrs, I spent just 2-3 minutes on it. Thanks to Poonam’s kitchen. I made few minor changes to the original recipe and it was a big hit on all the occasions. Recently made it on the New year’s eve and instant rabadi was an instant hit :)


  1. Sweetened condensed milk: 14 Oz can
  2. Ricotta cheese (Fat Free or Part Skim): 15 Oz can
  3. Cardamom powder: ½ Tbsp. 
  4. Pistachios: ¼ Cup (finely chopped) 
  5. Slivered Almonds: 8-10 
  6. Cashews: 10-12
  7. Saffron: ½ Tbsp. 
  8. Warm Milk: ¼ Cup


1.    Take a big bowl.
2.    Add ricotta cheese. (see the notes at the end of the recipe)
3.    Add full can of sweetened condensed milk to ricotta cheese. If you like it less sweet, you may add around 10 Oz of it.
4.    Add all the dry fruits to it. Keep some finely chopped pistachios and almonds for garnishing later.
5.    Put cardamom powder.
6.    Take warm milk and put some saffron strands in it. Stir it well and add this milk to the above mixture.
7.    Stir everything well with whisk till all the ingredients are incorporated well in each other.
8.    Put the lid and put it in the refrigerator for serving. Alternatively, you may put rabadi in disposable cups and garnish with pistachios and slivered almonds. Put cling wrap on each cup and refrigerate it.

Instant Rabadi

9.    Serve it chilled. You may microwave it for 15 to 20 seconds before serving if you want it to be warm. It tastes good in any form.

Instant Rabadi


1.    I usually use “part skim” ricotta cheese. The original recipe calls for a full fat ricotta cheese. However, I felt it was too thick to consume after refrigerating it. Also we felt it was little powdery. It was my family’s observation so I started to use partly skimmed version of it. Part skimmed cheese obviously has less calories so I prefer to use it. It is totally up to you if you wish to use full fat ricotta cheese.

Instant Rabadi

2.    Before chopping the almonds, soak them in warm water for about 15-20 minutes. This will ease out the process of taking the cover off and cutting them.
3.    If your pistachios have dry skin on them, please take it off before chopping them. That dry skin doesn't have any pleasant taste.

You may eat this rabadi with warm jalebi, gulabjamuns or with malpua. Also you may freeze it in kulfi molds to make it nice milk kulfi. Obviously it tastes the best when consumed just like that without any additional items. Presenting to you a very healthy yet quick recipe of our favorite sweet!!!

If you like this recipe, give a thumps up and please share it with others. Happy Cooking!!!!
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